This piece could also be called, ‘You don’t know what your body did last night!’
Your body works behind your back (literally) to help you stay upright. Most of the time you have no clue it is working, except when it is getting tired or is injured.
Let’s demonstrate…
Do this. Begin by standing on one leg. Let’s assume you didn’t fall over. Wobbling is ok.
Now back onto two legs. Place your hands on the small of your back – fingers on your spine, palms around the sides.
Stand on one leg again. Which muscle on your back is working hard? Bit of a surprise, right?
Another demo about how your body works without you; place your hand on your hips and stand on one leg again. What did your hips do?
Now, back to two legs and try to stand on one leg without letting your hips move sideways. See?
Your body is always trying to find a way to keep you upright. Or alive. Or not too hot or too cold, etc.
Almost all of it without your input whatsoever.
Imagine how it works to keep you walking in a straight line.
Therefore, I say – Balance is key!