Upper Back Pain - commonly associated with poor posture, damaged ribs and excessive kyphosis (curse of the upper back). Commonly and very successfully treated by Physical Therapists who will treat the pain examine the cause and provide the exercises for long term relief from the problem.
Broken Ribs - Ribs are commonly broken in falls, car crashes and games such as rugby, hurling and Martial arts. Medical assessment is initially required to ensure the ribs are not damaging any internal organs such as the kidneys or the lungs. Long term your Physical Therapist can help deal with the muscle damage to the muscles of the ribs (intercostal muscles) to help alleviate pain and restore as much normal breathing as possible.
Kyphosis - Kyphosis is the phrase use to describe the curve of the upper back along the rib cage. Certain medical conditions and occupations can cause this curve to become excessive which can then result in a whole host of problems from the neck to the shoulders, the upper back itself and with breathing. Physical Therapists have a range of interventions to help limit the development of excessive Kyphosis in adults and children.
Lower Back Pain - Pain in the lower back comes in many variations and forms and can vary from an irritating ache to a searing life altering pain. All pain in the lower back should be treated seriously and attended to before symptoms become intolerable. There are many different causes to lower back pain and its not uncommon for several to be present simultaneously. Your Physical Therapist has an array of exercises to assist your lower back health. It is very important to use the correct exercises, as the exercises used to treat a back injury in the later stages of an injury may be the exact opposite to those used when the injury was new. Your Physical Therapist is expert in providing you with the correct exercises for your situation.
Disc Pain - Disks are small circular pads which serve as shock absorbers between the bony vertebrae of the back. They can become damaged and bulge outwards or tear. The bulging disks can press on nerves as they come out of the spine and the contents of the disks can be acidic which can further irritate nerves, resulting in pain. Treatment for this type of injury can take many weeks but can be highly successful. Disk pain is commonly associated with sciatic symptoms.
Facet Pain - Facets are small joints at the rear of the vertebrae of the back. Poor posture, Disk problems, accidents and lack of core stability can cause the facet joints to compress against each other resulting in excruciating pain. Your physical therapist can help by addressing the underlying cause of the facet problem.
Glutes - A common cause of lower back pain are tight gluteal muscles. The gluteal muscles (glutes) are the muscles which make up the bulk of your bum. Tight glutes can be very effectively dealt with and your physical therapist will have a range of exercises to help you maintain healthy glutes.
Fee Information
The cost of a physiotherapy appointment at Roger Thomas Physical Theraphy is:
- Professional one on one consultation including: Comprehensive assessment: €70
- Professional one on one consultation which will continue treatment and progression of your personalised Physical Theraphy program: €60