Every breath you take – a matter of life and death!
As a physio, I will tell you that the most fundamentally healthy exercise you could do in your day is to breath in fresh air. Without it we die in minutes! It is the simple difference between life and death. We are programmed to do it, which is why you can’t asphyxiate yourself by holding your breath – your body won’t let you. That thin layer of cells in our lungs which allow us to take in oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. Biology 101! But what do we do. Most of us sit on our lungs and don’t allow us to take a deep breath of air. Some people vape! What? Yes, some people buy devices that allow them to burn some sort of chemical, they don’t know what it is, to produce a steamy smoke and then breath it in. Really? Yes, it’s true! Some people even smoke cigarettes, containing hundreds of chemicals, that they know causes lung disease and cancer and breath it deeply into their lungs, coating the lining of their lungs with a black, chemical tar. What? Yeah, I don’t know why either.
Sorry if I offended you. Actually, no, I’m not sorry I’m confused really. I should really apologise to your lungs for allowing you to do that to them!
Leaving all that aside, take a breath of fresh air! Breath! Sit up and breathe deeply.
We slouch on their lungs all day. Then when we stand-up we are stooped over and continue to compress their lungs again.
Stand up straight. Look at the sky on the horizon and lift your chests to the world and breathe deeply.